
Scientific Schedule

The conference will span over four days including three days of academic feast during main conference and one day of extensive pre-conference workshops. The scientific program will encompass a series of plenary sessions, keynote addresses, orations and oral and poster presentations on the following sub-themes:

Adolescent Health
Adult vaccination
Advocacy & behavioural change
Anaemia Mukt Bharat
AI & Machine Learning in Healthcare
Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY
Bio-integration & Synthesis
Climate change-health impact
Communicable diseases
Comprehensive primary health care
Convergence of health systems
Crisis communication in health
COVID & Post COVID sequelae
COVID Vaccination
Demographic transition
Digital Health Solutions
Domestic Violence
Emerging & re-emerging diseases
Environmental health
Food safety and security
Food fortification
Front of Package Labelling
Geriatric healthcare
GIS and Public Health
Global Health Security
Health service delivery systems
Health Equity
High altitude medicine
Implementation/Translational research
Integrative approached in health
Interdisciplinary Research
Life Course Immunization
Lifestyle Medicine
Measles Rubella elimination
Medical education Strategies
Mental health
Neglected tropical diseases
Occupational health and safety
Pandemic threats & preparedness
Polio eradication Challenges
Public health financing
Public Health Innovations
Public health nutrition
PPP in public health
Precision Medicine
Research Ethics
Research funding in public health
Safe water & sanitation
Social Determinants of Health
Social media & health
Spiritual health
Substance use
Telemedicine & Remote Monitoring
Tobacco abuse
Tribal Health
Tuberculosis elimination
Universal Healthcare
UIP and newer vaccines
Vaccine development & safety
Verbal autopsy
Vector-borne diseases
Workplace-Health and Wellness
Zoonotic diseases